CafeMedia connects authentic publishers, engaged audiences and leading brands to make the internet a better place. We are a leading digital media company that supports over 2,000 high-quality content creators. The company’s content collective, AdThrive, is the first and preeminent ad monetization platform for premium mid-sized digital publishers with superior ad optimization support, the latest ad fulfillment technology, and a customer-first approach. AdThrive empowers its creators to make a living doing what they love – producing great content – while managing the advertising for them. The collective force of content creators reaches over 120 million monthly unique visitors and 417 million social followers. CafeMedia provides premium programmatic media solutions that connect brands to deeply engaged audiences in food, family, home, and more. Brand partners get access to a highly curated pool of inventory with a focus on high viewability, brand-safe units and the right context or audience to drive exceptional performance.
HQ location: New York, NY
Number of employees:
This company's remote score: 0 out of 180.
Does the company practice "asynchronous first" communication as the default:
No [0 points]
Remote friendliness:
Not at all [0 points]
Which work locations are allowed:
Work from an office only [0 points]
Support for flexible schedules:
No. Company office hours only. [0 points]
Support for flexible holidays:
No, you are granted traditional holidays based on the company's location. [0 points]
How global is the company:
All employees are in the same timezone. [0 points]
In-person onboarding for new hires:
No. [0 points]
Are mentors assigned to new hires:
No. [0 points]
Does the company bring all employees together for retreats:
No. [0 points]
Does the company offer remote work stipends:
No. [0 points]
How transparent is the company to employees:
Not at all. [0 points]
Does the company furnish equipment (laptop, phone, etc.) for its employees:
No, employees use their own equipment while working. [0 points]
Does the company advocate for remote work through social media, blogs, books, videos, speaking engagements, etc:
No [0 points]
Salary philosophy:
Equal pay for equal work. Location does not matter. [0 points]