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XM logo XM

XM is a large and well-established global industry leader.  Our extensive financial experience, state of the art trading environment and dedicated customer support makes XM the broker of choice for online investors.With its headquarters in Cyprus and offices in the US, UK, Australia, Greece and UAE, XM currently employs more than 700 professionals.  Work Somewhere Awesome!Our corporate values BIG - FAIR - HUMAN define the way we work. We are committed to identifying potential, nurturing talent and rewarding high performance.If you are a highly motivated and passionate professional and wish to be part of our team explore our current job openings and apply.

Twitter: xm_com
HQ location: Cyprus
Number of employees: Unknown

This company's remote score: 0 out of 180.
Does the company practice "asynchronous first" communication as the default:
Unknown [0 points]

Remote friendliness:
Unknown [0 points]

Which work locations are allowed:
Unknown [0 points]

Support for flexible schedules:
Unknown [0 points]

Support for flexible holidays:
Unknown [0 points]

How global is the company:
Unknown [0 points]

In-person onboarding for new hires:
Unknown [0 points]

Are mentors assigned to new hires:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company bring all employees together for retreats:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company offer remote work stipends:
Unknown [0 points]

How transparent is the company to employees:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company furnish equipment (laptop, phone, etc.) for its employees:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company advocate for remote work through social media, blogs, books, videos, speaking engagements, etc:
Unknown [0 points]

Salary philosophy:
Unknown [0 points]

Created by System on Oct-26-2022

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