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Sticker Mule logo Sticker Mule

Sticker Mule is the Internet’s best printing company.We support thousands of customers by hiring the best people in the world. Our team works from 17 countries in 4 continents and is united by a desire to do great work while maintaining a stress-free work environment that’s designed to attract like-minded people who enjoy our culture.

Twitter: stickermule
HQ location: New York, NY
Number of employees: Unknown

This company's remote score: 0 out of 180.
Does the company practice "asynchronous first" communication as the default:
Unknown [0 points]

Remote friendliness:
Unknown [0 points]

Which work locations are allowed:
Unknown [0 points]

Support for flexible schedules:
Unknown [0 points]

Support for flexible holidays:
Unknown [0 points]

How global is the company:
Unknown [0 points]

In-person onboarding for new hires:
Unknown [0 points]

Are mentors assigned to new hires:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company bring all employees together for retreats:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company offer remote work stipends:
Unknown [0 points]

How transparent is the company to employees:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company furnish equipment (laptop, phone, etc.) for its employees:
Unknown [0 points]

Does the company advocate for remote work through social media, blogs, books, videos, speaking engagements, etc:
Unknown [0 points]

Salary philosophy:
Unknown [0 points]

Created by System on Oct-26-2022

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